Friday, July 30, 2010

Fall come soon please

So for those of you who haven't noticed-- it's almost August which means only one more month until September which means only one more month until school starts.

This news is both depressing and exciting. As much as this summer has been amazing and spontaneous and sometimes wild, I am absolutely looking forward to September. Only five more weeks until everyone comes back, early mornings mean 10am instead of 7 and weekends start on Thursday.

I don't understand why we look forward to summer so much, for most of us it means MORE work and less time for fun!! I think having my roommates back last weekend was hard as much as it was amazing... I realized how much I miss having people here when I come home and friends to talk to whenever I feel like it.

Then again maybe I'm just tired after a long week and need a nap before I can start my long weekend!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

dear summer, I know you gon' miss me

I've been trying to figure out how and why this has been one of the best summers of my life pretty much against all odds.

Let me start by explaining why this summer should suck:

For starters, i'm stuck inside working all day almost every day- about 50 hours a week, I honestly don't know how I'm still awake (or even alive). On top of this, I come home to an empty house every night, when I'm used to living with 4 other girls and having lots of places to go and people to see. On top of this, the only vacation I get is long weekends and trips home to London now and then. In the mean time, my sister and mom are visiting Portugal and France while my other sister is moving out to the West Coast to start over-- all while I'm stuck in Waterloo working-- with no air conditioning.

While you would think this would make for a pretty boring summer, mine has been anything but. I have been lucky enough to make so many amazing new friends and get to know other friends much much better! Having a car definitely helps when it comes to making plans and doing fun things and being legal this summer has made a huge difference as well! I am so glad that I got a coop in Waterloo... everything is so convenient and living alone has actually turned out to be much better than I thought it might be.

So even though I work every day, and don't get vacation, and don't have roommates OR air conditioning I have had more fun than I can remember having any other summer. There have definitely been ups and downs and some drama along the way but that's kind of what makes things memorable. I'm so glad I found my "summer crew"-- it makes all the difference in the world and I can't wait to carry this fun into the fall, winter and beyond (yup, they're stuck with me)

Retail Therapy

You might laugh, but I honestly believe that shopping can help to alleviate stress and make you happier overall. While spending money (aka going further into debt) is often the reason that I am stressed in the first place, it can help you forget about 'real world' worries and concerns-- if only for a few hours.

This thrill is only magnified when the things that you purchase are on sale! How can you resist something that you a.) like and think is cute and b.) is only a fraction of the original retail price!

With this being said-- I am not encouraging anyone to spend all of their time at the mall from now on... working in retail I am much much happier when the store is quiet!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Five Ghosts

Stars released a new album June 25 and it without question did not disappoint.

Their music isn't for everyone, but personally I was super impressed with this entire album, but I still prefer their older stuff. With a new album comes lots and lots of concert dates-- meaning I get to go see them in October in London. I have gone way way too long without seeing them live and cannot wait to go!!

If you're interested in hearing a couple of songs I would suggest Dead Hearts and How Much More. Listen to it while you're having a nap or a bath or something super low key. If you like it also check out Florence and the Machine and the xx.


To be honest I'm a bit unsure of whether or not I think blogging is worthwhile.

I don't really think I have that many interesting things to say or stories to tell but being without roommates for the past two months I actually miss having people to tell about the funny things that happen in my day or to bitch to about the annoying parts too. I guess I like sharing parts of my life with the people around me. I've been talking a lot about taking up a hobby to kill some time this summer... but i'm halfway through the summer now and no luck... so I think blogging might just be able to fill that extra time!

That's all really...
